Demolition Approval

Approval Legislation
If you are looking to carry out any residential demolition work in NSW, you must first obtain approval prior to starting any demolition works on site.
In most cases demolition can be approved under Complying Development within 20 working days of receiving all information assuming the work complies with NSW Exempt & Complying Development Codes 2008 and the Section 10.7 Certificate clearly stipulates demolition can be approved under Complying Development.
Notification Period
All demolition works require a minimum 14-day notification period to all neighbouring properties within 20m of the proposed demolition site.
Demolition Documentation
To submit a demolition application, we require the following
- Section 10.7 certificate (dated within the last 3 months)
- Site plan/Survey plan showing all existing structures on site
- NHCG Application completed form (signed by all owners)
- Current license/insurance details for demolisher
- Waste Management Plan
Further documents may be required upon assessment of application.
Further Information
We recommend discussing your demolition with a demolisher before making an application to ensure you can complete the application form accurately and have required documents ready and available from the demolisher.
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